Are you peeling bananas wrong? - By Steven E. Landsburg - Slate Magazine: I read this before, but I forgot what it says. Peeling a banana this morning reminded me.
55 Free Human Brush Sets And Vector Images - Giant Design Pack: these will be useful for creating new T-shirts.
Grant PDF Print Power To Your Website Visitors | I was looking for something like this before.
Keith Barry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: just watched his 2004 TED show.
50 Must-Read Resources For Incredible Web Design: good roundup of the usual suspects.
Slashdot | "Last Lecture" CMU Professor Randy Pausch Dies: even we all know it's coming, it's still sad.
Take a cautious approach to problem-solving : How To Be A Good Product Manager: Product management tips: "Letting the problem subsist for a period of time may be the only way to get others to realize its severity."
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Alpirsbacher Klosterbraeu Glauner GmbH and Co : Beers of the World Directory: Alpirsbacher Klosterbraeu - Jochen's fav
The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh: Holy cow! That many Lightbox clones?
Pixelpost » Forum » Addon - easyMap for pixelpost (photos on google maps): photo geo-tagging info
Upload photos from iPhone with simple web-app - iPhone Lover - iPhone Movie Video: I need to check it out.
Exif viewer : Opanda IExif - Professional EXIF / GPS / IPTC Viewer & Editor in Windows, IE & Firefox: pretty good. Just cancel the "pro demo" install and keep the freeware version.
iPhone Tips & Tricks: Upload photos from your iPhone to Flickr - iPhone Hacks: more tips on uploading iPhone photos to Flickr
LocoBlog - Location-Based Mobile Photo Blogging - Home: for Nokia phones only though.
tjhole Tutorials » Lead Tutorial » An Idiots Guide to Creating Small Planets: I need to do a few of these.
Price/Earnings To Growth (PEG Ratio): "A ratio used to determine a stock's value while taking into account earnings growth."
Loren Feldman: "TechNigga" video gets 1938 Media removed from Verizon:! Haha...
Should Links Open In New Windows? | How-To | Smashing Magazine: this is a hard question.
Mini Type Wireless Bluetooth USB Adapter, Bluetooth v1.2 USB Dongle: I may need one of these.