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Amazon’s Elastic Block Store explained « RightScale Blog: I see. "EBS starts out really simple: you create a volume from 1GB to 1TB in size and then you mount it on a device (like /dev/sdj) on an instance, format it, and off you go."
How To Disable Automatic iPhone Backups - iPhone Alley: i need to do this. The iphone auto-backup annoys the hell out of me.
Design Showcase Of Creative Online-Shops | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine: some nice looking stores here
55 Free Human Brush Sets And Vector Images - Giant Design Pack: these will be useful...
DROMOSCOPIO . milleseicentopercento . LIBRERIA DI PATTERN: web page background patterns.
8 Free Brand Logo Download Websites You Should Know « Graphics « Knowtebook - Webworkers Daily Milk: this should come handy sometime down the road.
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Marios Tziortzis » Blog » Setting up Mozilla Weave on your Server: I see. It's just webDAV. I should give it a try.
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Batch Rename Files in Windows With Style Using ReNamer | A good tool to have.